The Mobility Data Collaborative is a forum, established by SAE ITC, for public and private sector participants to develop frameworks for mobility data sharing. The group is comprised of public sector agencies, mobility operators, data analysis companies, and membership organizations such as the North American Bikeshare Association and the New Urban Mobility Alliance.

They define their initial focus as protecting data privacy and defining performance metrics.

As of January 2021, the collaborative had developed two products:

  • Data Sharing Glossary and Metrics for Shared Micromobility 1 - this provides standardized definitions for terms used in micromobility, and common, formal definitions and formulas for calculating several key metrics.
  • Guidelines for Mobility Data Sharing Governance and Contracting 2 - this provides 10 recommended guidelines intended to be used as discussion input when formulating specific agency policies and agreements, and to be used across disciplines (e.g., planning, legal, policy, data, and information system professionals).


  • 1Mobility Data Collaborative. (2020). Data Sharing Glossary and Metrics for Shared Micromobility. SAE.
  • 2Mobility Data Collaborative. (n.d.). Leveraging Data to Improve City Streets. Retrieved March 3, 2021, from SAE-ITC: